Cambridge Ion Channel Forum

The Cambridge lon Channel Forum was established in 2011 by Eddy Stevens and Clare Jones as a joint initiative between Pfizer Neusentis and Medimmune. The concept was to create an environment for industry and academic scientists working within the ion channel field in the Cambridge area to share data and ideas, ensuring all presentations and discussions were based around scientific data with little commercial focus. The CICF is organised by AstraZeneca, Metrion Biosciences and the British Pharmacological Society.

Registration and Abstract Submissions now open! 

Visit the Cambridge Ion Channel Forum website to register.

Ticket Prices 

  ECR Ticket

  Standard Ticket


ECR Travel Bursary Guidelines 

Early Career Researchers can apply for a bursary to support travel costs for attending the Cambridge Ion Channel Forum meeting.

•    Be a current Early Career Researcher
•    Be a registered attendee of the event  
•    Apply by Friday 14 March 2025 at 3pm (GMT).

Awards will be based on the number of eligible applications, with preference given to those who clearly demonstrate the benefits of attending the meeting. 

How to apply
Early Career Researchers can apply for a travel bursary during the registration process. We will ask you to complete the registration form and provide a brief paragraph confirming where you are studying or working to verify your ECR status, as well as a short statement (max 100 words) explaining how attending the meeting will benefit you.

When will I know if my application has been successful?
We will make every effort to notify applicants by Monday 24 March, to give sufficient time to book transport at reasonable fares.

How much can I apply for?
You can apply for up to £150 per applicant. 
What can I use this money for?
This bursary is intended to support attendees with travel costs, such as train or plane tickets. Unfortunately, the bursary cannot be used to cover the cost of the conference ticket. If you need help with funding the cost of the conference ticket, we encourage you to speak to your university department or employer. They often have funds available to support students/employees attending conferences that will help with your studies and/or career development.
•    If you are successful, we will provide you with the relevant information need to receive payment. Claims will need to be completed within four weeks of the closing date of the meeting, along with your receipts, the email confirming the bursary, and a certificate of attendance.
•    We will only make payments to a bank account in the applicant’s name, unless otherwise agreed with the Finance Team.

This bursary is open until Friday 14 March 2025 at 3pm (GMT).

Society Membership 

We are a global community at the heart of pharmacology. Founded in 1931 – with just 38 members – we now represent around 4,000 members from over 60 countries.

As a vibrant science that studies drug action, pharmacology lies at the heart of biomedical science, linking together chemistry, physiology and pathology. Pharmacologists work closely with a wide variety of other disciplines that make up modern biomedical science, including but not limited to biochemistry, neuroscience, molecular and cell biology, genetics, immunology and cancer biology.

Read about how membership of professional Societies can enhance career development.

For more details on our membership categories, fee and benefits, please visit the Society Membership page. This information is also available to download now.

If you’d like to speak with the membership team, feel free to reach out to for further assistance.

15 May 2025
15 May 2025
10.00 AM to 18.30 PM
Biomedical Campus, 1 Francis Crick Ave, Trumpington, Cambridge

Connect with us:

© British Pharmacological Society, The Schild Plot, 16 Angel Gate, City Road, London EC1V 2PT, United Kingdom
